noti. is the collaboration of Rick Berry and Craig Kemp. These two creative chaps met at a Canberra high school before heading to the mecca of Melbourne to combine their musical skills into a delicious mesh of sound.
Told You So is the band’s début single and it’s a minimalist’s pleasure. From the opening bass slide to the flute refrain, this song mixes electronic and acoustic sounds effortlessly, launching us onto a hauntingly dark but chilled plain of consciousness.
The vocals of Berry have a slow-burning bluesy edge that mix uniquely with the keys whilst the guitar rolls seductively in the background to create a landscape of sound that you don’t want to escape from.
Take a listen to the song and check out the video below of chilly night shots as the band hark back to their Canberra stomping ground.
Deliciously smooth.
Catch noti. on Channel 31 (Melbourne Community TV) tomorrow at 5pm.